Tuesday, June 12, 2007

No room at the inn

What a loooooong day. We got lost forever in Montreal trying to meet my friend Susan, met her briefly for lunch (she got the bill - thanks Susan!), then got lost on the way out of town. We zipped through the rest of Quebec and decided to push through all the way to Moncton. It didn't work, and we ended up in the dark in New Brunswick with a hysterical child and no room at the inn. This is a mostly rural area. Why is it so popular?

We're at the Best Western in Woodstock paying $120 for a $180 room, and the night manager had us sneak in the dogs ($25/dog otherwise, and they aren't even supposed to be on this floor). What happened to camping? I don't know. It was really fun watching Scott flirt with the manager from my vantage point outside in the van. If I didn't know him, I'd think he was a woman. He kept kicking up his leg like a girl getting kissed for the first time and making sweeping arm movements. It was cute. But we got the cheapest rate we could get, so I guess it all worked!

1 comment:

Sophie said...

Yeah! Your close to me!! I hope you call today! Ill be out from 11-12:30 at a playgroup, but home all day otherwise!
