Monday, June 4, 2007

Day 1 went well, until...

Settling into our motel for the night, I discovered that the wireless USB thingy for the laptop is broken, so even though the motel provides wireless internet we can't use it. I also seem to have misplaced the USB cable for the camera. Great. I know I have that, it's just been dropped somewhere between the van and the room. So I've got some great pictures of Day 1 but no way of sharing them.

Mary did well. She had one or two total meltdowns and a few partial ones. Got some good naps in, too. She got her first diaper change at the summit of the Hope-Princeton pass. We stopped for gas in Princeton ($1.19, got 37 litres for $45) and still have half a tank left. Diapers changed before Princeton, at Castlegar, at our friend's house outside Nelson, and lastly in the motel before bed. Doesn't seem like much, but she's not peeing as much as usual. Only 4 (plus two in the morning before we left home).

One of the highlights: getting kicked off the beach in Osoyoos, where we made a pit stop for the dogs. We thought the bylaw officer was after us for no leashes, but apparently that's not an issue. No dogs are allowed on that particular beach after June 1. Oops!

My friend Beth and her family are doing well. I haven't seen her since 2002 (on a camping trip with a previous boyfriend, teehee), and we met in 2001 when I was on a summer work term here in Nelson. We ate dinner with her and her husband Rob as well as an international student doing a homestay with them, Leoni from Germany. Leoni and Mary were fast friends, and their dog Daisy was very interested in this miniature human. Mary was the first baby she'd met and I guess she felt the need to show off since Mary was receiving all the attention. She did a LOT of doggie "talking" during our visit.

Mary fell asleep on the ride back to the motel so we're skipping the hot springs. Perhaps in the morning, but likely not. A shame.

Perhaps tomorrow I'll find the camera cord, and I guess there's a trip to WalMart for the cheapest wireless internet thingy we can find.

PS. We still haven't seen any of the thunder and lightning they promised in the weather report.

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