Wednesday, June 6, 2007

We're officially the suspicious city folk

Just a quick post with no photos as I'm on dial-up here.

I hope this doesn't become a pattern, but we got going later than we wanted to from Dave and Amy's house. We made our way out of Calgary far easier than we made our way in and safely arrived at Drumheller, where Scott got his stint in the Royal Tyrell Museum of Paleantology. Mary had a good time, and Drumheller was cool with lots of neat dinosaur statues throughout town. We weren't impressed with the visitor's centre, where it took far too long.

Then we started driving straight east. And driving, and driving. First I found it interesting, then boring, then we started to have fun spotting all the strange little anomolies dotted along the big fields of nothing.

We stopped for lunch in a little town just before the Saskatchewan border called Oyen. It was a bit creepy. We ate at the Oyen Family Restaurant and the food was great with awesome prices, but the waitress eyed us up suspiciously the whole time. You're not from here, I'm sure. She didn't speak a word to us unless spoken to and didn't even offer us menus until we asked.

Driving driving and driving some more, Scott was clocking an average of 130. We stopped for gas but I didn't keep track of how much. It was $1.14 in Kindersley, Saskatchewan.

Now here we are at Lorraine and Esther's house in Grandora, outside Saskatoon. Lorraine is my step-dad's sister and Esther is her partner. Visiting them is Esther's 4-year-old granddaughter, Elliot, a cute little thing who certainly loves our dogs whether they want her to or not. She calls Izzy Spot because she looks like the dog in her books (the old school Dick and Jane books).

Lorraine is a massage therapist and Scott has hit her up for a massage. Stinker. I'm jealous so I might, too.

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