Sunday, June 3, 2007

Final Frenzy

Apparently we're done packing. Of course everything got left till the last minute. The kid slept about 8 or 9 hours last night, then didn't nap more than a half hour all day. So of course she refused to fall asleep when we got home despite being exhausted and I spent 3 hours trying when I really needed to be packing. Brat. She finally fell asleep around 9.

We've got our camping stuff, food, towels, clothing, medical stuff, kid stuff, dog stuff, camera stuff. The van has been washed and vacuumed. Marcus, Watson, Chelsea and Elf are safely tucked away at Grandma's house (although apparently Elf is hiding; Chelsea, the pig, promptly came out to eat after the trauma of being shoved in a crate with her arch rival).

So, after temporarily freaking out about the amount of stuff left to do and the lack of time to do it, I think we're good to go. Just a few things to pack tomorrow (kit bag, pillow, baby's light box for sleeping).

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