Tuesday, June 5, 2007

And the storms continue into Alberta

So we made a poor route choice in the morning that sucked up two hours. I guess the free Kootenay Lake ferry wasn't a good idea. Then we hit a rainstorm and slow drivers with no passing lanes on the other side. Joy.

Mary did well. We got gas in Creston ($1.19/L) and stopped at Wal-Mart in Cranbrook to buy a wifi thingy that hasn't connected to the internet yet. I got a good nap somewhere after Kimberley until Scott woke me up to take a picture. Yeah, thanks. Mary kept on sleeping so we didn't eat until we got to Banff. She also peed once in an 8-hour period. We were chased by thunder and lightning from Cranbrook on. We came out of it in Banff and got some some when we stopped at this great little Greek place. Tzatziki burgers and poutine.

As we approached Calgary we were treated with an awesome thunder and lightning storm that slowed us down even more. Torrential downpours worse than we've ever seen in BC. Scott got directions from his friend Dave but they didn't work that great, so we drove even longer in the torrential downpour. So far I'm not that fond of Calgary! We passed some cars that were dead in the water that was so deep on the road.

Tonight we're staying with Scott's good friend Dave. They've been friends almost 20 years, so I get some good stories. The fun part? Dave is married to Scott's ex-wife's sister, Amy. They've got three kids and a dog - another Daisy. Their son Zak, despite loud talking and dogs barking, slept through our arrival and all continued on sleeping. Their son Jonah, just a few months older than Mary, is a chunky little blonde boy who fell asleep without being breastfed. I was jealous. Their daughter Shelby is a cool kid, and Mary liked playing with her. Another new friend!

It's 11:30 here almost (10:30 in Mary's head) and she's sleepy but won't fall asleep. She's just rolling around quietly playing. Meanwhile, Izzy still refuses to pee and she's also afraid of this rabbit.

Pictures tomorrow. I left the camera cable in the car (but I know where it is!)

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